Meaning of Star of David. History of the Star of David symbol
Posted by Dimitry Bachirev on
Star of David: is it a beautiful symbol or a talisman with a deep meaning?
Let's try to understand the history of Star of David symbol and what benefit it brings.
History of the Star of David
In different cultures, the Star of David was a sign of wisdom and freedom, life and hope. Archaeologists find an image of a six-pointed star in Pompeii and Crete, among the Gibeonites and Etruscans. It was used by the ancient Slavs and Egyptians, Celts, and Hindus.
Why is the symbol called "Star of David"? One of the legends tells the following story. Before the battle with his opponent Nimrod, the young King David prepared a shield for himself, to the back of which were attached two triangles. In the midst of the battle, the triangles merged into one figure. The young man won the battle, and since then the symbol of the victor is known as Magen David (“David's shield”).
The star-shaped six-point was known to Jews in Antiquity. But it was used not as a religious attribute, but as a decorative element of religious buildings.

Sometimes the Star of David was used as a trademark. The earliest archaeological find associated with this symbol dates back to the 6th century BC. A certain Joshua ben Asayah, a resident of the city of Sidon, used the Star of David on his seal.
For the first time as a sacred sign, the hexagram appears in the XI century on one of the pages of the manuscript of the Hebrew Bible - the Tanakh. At the same time, during the early Middle Ages, the six-pointed star takes on the meaning of a talisman and is used by Christians, Muslims, and Jews as a talisman against demonic forces and fires.
In the middle of the XIV century. Emperor Charles IV allowed the Jews of Prague to use the Star of David as a symbol on their battle standard.
In the 18th century, the hexagram becomes even more important. The Age of Enlightenment breathed new hopes into the Jews for gaining full citizenship in the newly formed states. So Magen David became the spokesman for the ethnic aspirations of the Jews. In 1897 the world community of Zionists adopted the sacred hexagram as the emblem of their organization.
Meaning and power of the Star of David
The Star of David means the union of the divine and the human: the lower triangle symbolizes the human desire for spiritual enlightenment, the upper one - divine help. Therefore, the amulet helps those who are looking for ways to spiritual elevation.
Another meaning of the hexagram is wisdom. It can be either acquired, the result of life experience, or given from above - as enlightenment. The amulet is a faithful assistant for people who wish to learn the secrets of the universe, to understand the reasons for human actions.

Explanation of Kabbalah:
Kabbalah teaches that G‑d created the world with seven spiritual building blocks - His seven “emotional” attributes. Accordingly, all creations are reflections of these seven basic attributes.
They are:
Yesod - Foundation,
Chesed - Kindness,
Gevurah - Severity,
Tiferet - Harmony,
Netzach - Perseverance,
Hod - Splendor,
Malchut - Royalty.
The central block Yesod is the "Foundation" and therefore all other attributes arise from it.
Wearing jewelry with the Star of David helps protect against the evil eye and negative energy. Many celebrities and successful people wear this symbol in one way or another.
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