The Key of Soul for Awareness and Spiritual Growth
The combination of names of the Creator and jade, known as the stone of dreams and magic, are the basis of the following key, called the "The Key of Spiritual Growth."
In modern times, consciousness and feelings of people unfortunately are blunted under intense pressure from external stimuli, but the desire for spiritual harmony and spiritual growth is an essential and ineradicable part of each person. "The Key of Spiritual Growth" helps a person to find peace, clarity of mind, flexibility of character, the ability to take new life conflicts and new people. The medallion gives understanding and awareness of the true values in life, cleanses the spirit and energy and opens the path to enlightenment for each of us. The medallion also extends the life span, harmonizes conflicting energies, such as male and female, helps in expressing the feelings ... and helps in realizing the dreams. All this is possible due to the releasing of internal inhibitions, gaining emotional balance, which in turn leads to higher spiritual consciousness of a person.
Size: 6 х 1,5 сm
Material: Silver
Weight: 13gr
Bundled Silver chain and gift wrapping